Saturday, December 5, 2020

Windows 10 for Seniors For Dummies by Weverka, Peter: Used; Good Paperback 2015

The style and explanations are similar and it was a lot of help. As the name implies, it is written for the everyday "user" of computers and not the "guru" or "geek". Detailed enough for everyday use, but not technical enough for an expert. For anyone, like me, who only understands the power button, and e-mail, this book will give you a headache, and make you feel like a pre-schooler. Because Windows 10, is no more user-friend than a mainframe computer. I had hoped for directions which would say "For easy access, enter this command".

windows 10 home for dummies

Because Windows lets many people use the same computer, how do you stop Diane from reading Rob’s love letters to Miley Cyrus? How can Grace keep Josh from deleting her Star Wars movie trailers? Using a password solves some of those problems, and Windows 10 offers other security solutions, as well. Snapshot of clicking the user account name and then type the password on the next screen. When you’re in the door, Windows wants you to sign in, as shown in Figure 2-2, by clicking your name and passing the security check.

Quotes from Windows 10 for Du...

On touchscreen tablets, the Start menu fills the entire screen. Its large tiles make them easy to tap with your fingertips. On a desktop computer, however, the Start menu retreats to a corner of the screen, where you can click its tiny buttons and menus with your mouse pointer. Microsoft updates some of Windows 10’s apps on a daily or weekly basis, adding new features, removing unpopular ones, and fixing problems. The latest update brought many new icons to Windows’ built-in apps.

Depending on your mood, you can either slow down to read it or speed on around it. Instead of making you a whiz at Windows, it merely dishes out chunks of useful computing information when you need them. Instead of becoming a Windows expert, you’ll know just enough to get by quickly, cleanly, and with a minimum of pain so that you can move on to the more pleasant things in life. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

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Find the troublesome topic in this book’s table of contents or index. The table of contents lists chapter and section titles and page numbers. Page through the table of contents or index to the spot that deals with that particular bit of computer obscurity, read only what you have to, close the book, and apply what you’ve read.

windows 10 home for dummies

Find extra space on your hard drive or SSD by making Windows as small as possible, installing apps on an SD card and deleting the unnecessary Windows.old folder. Make the most of Microsoft's OneDrive cloud backup service by controlling which folders you sync, mapping your account as a network drive and more. We love Windows 10, but like a close relative, sometimes it can overstep boundaries and get on your nerves. Learn how to prevent the operating system from restarting to update without your permission, speed up a slow-opening Downloads folder or disable personalized ads.

About the Author

Really basic…might be slightly better than nothing, but not much. Most of the text is just a description of menu options that are usually obvious (“To import all of your camera’s photos, click ‘Select All’ ”). You’ll need to look elsewhere for guidance on all but the most common problems. Rathbone writes clearly and provides very good illustrations.

windows 10 home for dummies

Learn how to install Windows 10, tweak the most important settings, add users and perform key, everyday tasks. Below, you'll find over 100 Windows 10 tips and tutorials, split into nine categories and designed to help you learn the basics, disable common annoyances, save storage or be more productive. Your version of Windows 10 will update automatically through Windows Update, probably in May or June, 2020.

About Andy Rathbone

Microsoft expected people to return to the tile-filled opening screen to launch their desktop programs. For years, Microsoft had watched helplessly as hordes of people bought iPhones, iPads, and apps — small and simple programs for lightweight touchscreen tasks. To compete, Microsoft designed Windows 8 for touchscreen tablets and unleashed it in 2012.

windows 10 home for dummies

When you protect your account, nobody can access your files. And nobody can rack up charges for computer games while you’re away from home. Remember Although you may turn your work area into a mess, it’s your own mess. When you return to the computer, your letters will be just as you saved them.

Don’t try to read this book in one sitting; there’s no need. Instead, treat this book like a dictionary or an encyclopedia. Turn to the page with the information you need and say, Ah, so that’s what they’re talking about.

windows 10 home for dummies

Snapshot of moving past this lock screen, press a key on the keyboard or drag up on the screen with your mouse or finger. The Windows 10 Start menu doesn’t look much like the Start menu in older versions of Windows. Microsoft’s latest big update added a few buttons and features, but the basic mechanics remain the same. If there’s no Start button, you’re running Windows 8. And if clicking your Start button fills the screen with a bunch of colorful tiles, you’re running Windows 8.1. Unlike Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 no longer feels like two operating systems crammed into one computer.

Friday, December 4, 2020

How to Check Blood Sugar Without a Meter: Is It Possible?

If you take rapid-acting or short-acting insulin before meals, the blood sugar test results can help you determine how much insulin to take before each meal. If your blood sugar level is high, you may need extra insulin. If your blood sugar level is low, you may need to eat before you take any insulin. Keep track of your blood sugar levels to see what makes them go up or down. Smartphone users may soon be able to check their blood glucose level without having to take a blood sample, using a new app for iOS and Android.

Monitor your health closely if diabetes runs in your family. If people in your family have diabetes, you're more likely to develop it. That's particularly true if the person is a parent or sibling. Of course, you can't change genetics, but you should be aware that it puts you at higher risk. Watch your health if you belong to certain minority groups.

What are symptoms of untreated diabetes?

This hormone stimulates your liver to release glucose into your bloodstream, which can make you feel hungry again. Finally, you should test your blood sugar after a meal. This will allow you to make sure that the food you’re eating is safe and healthy for you. If your blood sugar is high, it means that more insulin was required to bring it down to a safe level. If it’s low, it means that the meal was not a good choice for you because more carbohydrates were required than usual. If you take certain medication, like insulin or sulphonylureas, checking your blood sugars is a vital part of living with diabetes.

You have to double check if your glucose strip is compatible with your glucometer. Take note of where you bought your glucometer so you know where to run to when you need to restock on glucose strips. Current models require users to test a drop of blood twice daily to calibrate, or adjust, the monitor. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We link primary sources — including studies, scientific references, and statistics — within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

How can I treat high blood sugar?

Keep good records of any blood, urine, or ketone tests you do. These test records help your doctor make any needed changes in your meal plan, medicine, or exercise program. Bring these records with you every time you see your doctor. An accurate reading of the blood glucose level can help achieve good diabetes control. People with prediabetes, or borderline diabetes, are at risk of developing diabetes if they do not act quickly to manage their blood sugar. They should talk to their doctors and continue regularly monitoring blood glucose.

how can i test my blood glucose at home

Youâll be given a testing kit that you can use to check your blood sugar level. Kids with diabetes of any type need to check their glucose levels, too. Children may need to test more often than adults, especially if they use insulin. Place the lancing device flat against the side of your fingertip, then press the button to let the spring go. You can find these at pharmacies or most big box stores.

Understanding Results Of Blood Sugar Testing

You may be having symptoms of high blood sugar or low blood sugar, which could indicate diabetes or another condition. Blood sugars that surge up and down steeply--up towards the 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) level can cause mood swings, but not severe depression. For most people, blood sugar swings are more likely to cause nothing more troubling than sleepiness. What you need to do is to test your blood sugar after you have eaten a meal that contains about sixty grams of carbohydrates. The CDC recommends that if your readings are unusually low (below 60 mg/dL) or high (above 300 mg/dL), you call your doctor right away or seek emergency medical attention.

how can i test my blood glucose at home

You prick your finger with a small, sharp needle called a lancet, put a drop of blood on a test strip, and then place the strip into a meter that displays your blood sugar levels. Record the test results so you can share them with your doctor. Based on your results, the two of you may adjust your diet, exercise, or medication. Blood sugar levels are important for a variety of reasons. They can tell you when you’re hungry, thirsty, and sick, and they can help you avoid or treat serious diseases. But don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to check blood sugar without a meter.

Common Alternatives To The Finger Prick Method

A blood glucose monitor, testing strips, and a lancet to draw the blood are all necessary for testing. Some testing kits offer all three, while others require separate purchases for each piece. If you have diabetes, there are several portable devices you can use to check your blood sugar level — and not all of them require a finger prick. Prior to using meters, people with diabetes would monitor their blood sugar by testing their urine. This method, however, wasn’t as accurate, nor did it provide real-time results. Blood sugar testing requires the use of a blood sugar meter.

Self-monitoring your blood glucose may be vital to your treatment. Testing your own levels allows you to learn how to manage your blood sugar regardless of the time of day or where you are. When you bring your log to your health care provider, youll have a good picture of your body’s response to your diabetes care plan. To help keep track of your levels, we have a glucose log. We also have a blood glucose log available for purchase that is smaller so you can carry it with you.

When one twin has type 2 diabetes, the other's risk is three in four at most. If diabetes was controlled entirely by genes, then both identical twins would get diabetes. Yes, you can decline a glucose screening or test, but opting out is not recommended. Since most women with gestational diabetes don’t have any symptoms, getting tested may be the only way to find out if you have the condition. To get an accurate result on the OGTT, eat about 150 grams of carbohydrates each day for 3 days before the test.

If youre looking for a fast and easy way to check your blood sugar levels, the finger prick method may be the best option for you. Just make sure to keep your fingers dry and clean to get the most accurate reading. An oral glucose tolerance test entails drinking a beverage containing glucose and then having your blood glucose levels checked every 30 to 60 minutes for up to 3 hours. If the glucose level is 200 mg/dL or higher at 2 hours, then you might have diabetes.

How to test blood sugar at home? : GestationalDiabetes

Prick the side of your fingertip with the lancet provided with your test kit. Gently squeeze or massage your finger until a drop of blood forms. Touch and hold the edge of the test strip to the drop of blood.

Use your meter to determine how much carbohydrate you can eat without causing a blood sugar spike. Ideally you would want your blood sugar to drop below 100 mg/dl an hour after eating and then to stabilize somewhere between 70 mg/dl (3.8 mmol/L) and 90 mg/dl (5 mmol/L). ; or a 75-g two-hour oral glucose tolerance test with a plasma glucose level of 200 mg per dL or greater. If this process goes on for a prolonged period of time, then you may develop diabetes or a condition called prediabetes . In either case, your blood sugar levels are likely to stay high because there isn’t enough insulin in your system to help bring them back down again.

What are the signs of diabetes in a woman?

The meter will display your blood glucose level on a screen after a few seconds. To get a reading, you need to prick your finger with a small needle . The test strip is then inserted into the blood glucose meter. The glucometer will then give you a reading within seconds. Keep in mind that blood glucose results often trigger strong feelings.

Testing your blood sugar is crucial to diabetes management. Using a meter or continuous glucose monitoring can provide accurate results. But you might seek a pain-free method to check blood sugar. A continuous glucose monitor, on the left, is a device that measures blood sugar every few minutes using a sensor inserted under the skin. An insulin pump, attached to the pocket, is a device that’s worn outside of the body with a tube that connects the reservoir of insulin to a catheter inserted under the skin of the abdomen. Insulin pumps are programmed to deliver specific amounts of insulin continuously and with food.

How To Check Blood Sugar At Home Without A Meter – The Ultimate Guide

Also, work together to plan for how to handle blood sugar readings that are either too high or too low and when to call your doctor. Learn about the warning signs of high or low blood sugar, and know what you can do if you begin to have symptoms. Many home glucose monitors can display an average blood sugar reading, which correlates to the HbA1c test. A person cannot diagnose diabetes using home testing alone.

how can i test my blood glucose at home

If your readings are high, your doctor can run further tests to figure out if you have diabetes. Only a medical professional can diagnose diabetes or another issue with your blood sugar, so if you’re concerned about your blood sugar levels, check with a doctor. For more information, read our article about on what’s considered healthy and normal blood sugar levels. A home blood glucose kit reads glucose testing strips. These strips allow the machine to detect the level of glucose in a drop of blood. But, rather than prick your finger, like you would with a meter, you’ll use a reader to scan the sensor when you want to check your blood sugar level.

How can I tell if I have diabetes without going to the doctor?

Your kidneys, ureters, and bladder are part of your urinary tract system. Low blood sugar is below 70 mg/dL, and high blood sugar is well above 140 mg/dL. Prick the side of your fingertip with the lancet provided with your device. Try to work up to 30 minutes or more of physical activity on most days of the week.

how can i test my blood glucose at home

Lets get into what blood sugar means, how to measure it and everything else you need to know. You and your healthcare team can then look back over your results to see if you need to adjust your treatment. Blood sugar levels can fluctuate somewhat, but there are specific ranges that indicate healthy or non-healthy levels. Once youve confirmed that your glucose strips are compatible with your monitor, insert it into the slot indicated for the strip, which is usually found at the bottom of the device.

With diabetes, you'll have more trouble healing cuts than you normally do. For instance, you may notice that a cut just doesn't seem to be healing over, even after a week or two. If you consistently see results that arenât expected, recalibrate your meter and check the strips.

If you experience blurred vision, visit your doctor immediately for a medical evaluation. Because unstable blood sugar can reduce your circulation, your blood can't get energy and oxygen to your cells. Keep in mind that not all early diabetics will lose weight. You may gain weight or see no change in your weight, even though you have diabetes. When the sugar concentration is high in your blood, your kidneys can't pull the sugar out anymore.

Know when you need to make any changes to food, exercise, and diabetes medicines. Diabetes management includes artificial insulin and lifestyle adjustments. Target numbers may vary from person to person and may change over time, depending on an individual’s health, age, weight, and other factors. Keep in mind that you don’t have to use the same finger each time. If one finger becomes too sensitive, use a different finger. Or if you use the same finger, prick in a different spot.

how can i test my blood glucose at home

Ketones are a kind of fuel produced when fat is broken down for energy. Your liver starts breaking down fat when there’s not enough insulin in your bloodstream to let blood sugar into your cells. Carrying out this test will also help you and your doctor determine the next step to take in your diabetes management plan. If that doesn't work, it's time to read up on oral diabetes drugs and work with your doctor to find the solution that works best for you.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that needs lifelong management. Most meters now have a way to use an alternative site for testing, like your forearm. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose; this is why you feel hungry when you have an empty stomach. Check more often if youre sick or if youre concerned about high or low blood sugar.

how can i test my blood glucose at home

Your blood sugar test results are higher than usual for more than two days for an unknown reason. I got a free meter and 10 strips and lancets from AccuChek by registering online. If you keep seeing unusual results, recalibrate your meter and check the test strips. You should always discuss your diabetes concerns with your doctor, even if your home tests come back normal.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Bosch Smart Home Basic Set with app Operation Compatible with Apple Homekit, White : Amazon Home Improvement

Furthermore, the integration supports the exciting and unprecedented option of “geofencing” for all Apple users of Bosch Smart Home. Here, the Home app can automatically trigger scenes and automations whenever a predefined geographical boundary is crossed, for example, when a person leaves the public space and steps onto their own property. Christopher spends most of his time writing and dreaming about all things HomeKit and the Home app. Whether it is installing smart light switches, testing the latest door locks, or automating his households daily routines, Christopher has done it all. Bosch has announced that it has begun rolling out an update to its Smart Home line that adds support for Apple's HomeKit. The update, which will be available to all by August 13th, comes around seven months after the company originally announced that HomeKit was in the works back at CES 2020.

Das bosch smart home system bietet allerlei geräteklassen an und besitzt die perfektion mit und für apple homekit. Bosch har forsøgt i et par år at introducere sine egne smart forbindelse og . Bosch smart home fortsætter med at vokse og er nu kompatibel med apple homekit. Appliance maker and smart home brand bosch recently announced that the company is bringing homekit compatibility to many of their smart devices.

Important key data for the function update

Sadly we have had zero updates since January and it’s very hard to find anymore info across the internet dated after 9th Jan. I have asked Bosch directly and they say they cannot comment on HomeKit support at this time. Learn how to make your home more comfortable, sustainable and safe with the intelligent technology of our Bosch Smart Home products. Bosch has begun rolling out an update to its smart home accessory line that adds support for Apple's HomeKit. Additional Bosch Smart Home devices will follow in the course of the year – as always via automatic software updates.

bosch smart home homekit kompatibel

Today’s smart home users expect devices from different manufacturers to offer both future-oriented design and cross-technology interoperability. For example, wouldn’t it be fantastic if the garage door opened automatically in the morning as soon as the cellar door opened? The integration of Bosch Smart Home into Apple HomeKit makes it child’s play to configure this and many other scenes in the Apple Home app. The combination of the smart Bosch Smart Home Door/Window Contact and a matching HomeKit-compatible garage door opener enables this possibility.

Smarte Steckdosen

In some circumstances, these items may be eligible for a refund or a replacement . Bosch Smart Home simplifies home living by unobtrusively controlling routine activities in the background. Once added to HomeKit, Bosch Smart Home accessories will be available for voice controls through Siri on the HomePod, and through the Home app for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. Bosch accessories added to the Home app will also work with other HomeKit compatible devices in scenes and automations. Nine accessories in total will work with HomeKit, including a smart plug, and radiator thermostat.

bosch smart home homekit kompatibel

There are practically no limits to further applications with other products from the HomeKit ecosystem. The Bosch Smart Home App will continue to be an essential component of intelligent home control. At the same time, the use of the Bosch Smart Home App supports the accustomed quality and security of the respective services.

Familiar data protection from Bosch

Users can simply ask Siri voice control, which is also available on HomePod and Apple TV, to control shutters or to switch on or off any device that is connected to a smart plug, such as a radio or a coffeemaker. When the workday is over and it’s time to relax on the sofa, but the iPhone and HomePod are not close at hand, the Bosch Smart Home system can still be conveniently controlled directly on the user’s wrist with Apple Watch. If you are working in your home office and want to check the temperature in your child’s room, the Home app for Mac let’s you do it – instantly and without leaving your desk. In some cases, the nature of the item means that it is non-returnable, for example, due to hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product.

bosch smart home homekit kompatibel

Apple homekit allows you to flexibly combine homekit compatible products from different manufacturers with your bosch smart home devices. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping fees for change of mind returns are not refunded. This change of mind return policy is in addition to, and does not affect your rights under the Australian Consumer Law including any rights you may have in respect of faulty items.

I was just looking for a switch that can switch 3000W and so far the Bosch plug was one of the few I found.

bosch smart home homekit kompatibel

Apple HomeKit ist unser neuer Partner

In some circumstances, these items may be eligible for a refund or a replacement . Bosch Smart Home simplifies home living by unobtrusively controlling routine activities in the background. Once added to HomeKit, Bosch Smart Home accessories will be available for voice controls through Siri on the HomePod, and through the Home app for the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. Bosch accessories added to the Home app will also work with other HomeKit compatible devices in scenes and automations. Nine accessories in total will work with HomeKit, including a smart plug, and radiator thermostat.

Today’s smart home users expect devices from different manufacturers to offer both future-oriented design and cross-technology interoperability. For example, wouldn’t it be fantastic if the garage door opened automatically in the morning as soon as the cellar door opened? The integration of Bosch Smart Home into Apple HomeKit makes it child’s play to configure this and many other scenes in the Apple Home app. The combination of the smart Bosch Smart Home Door/Window Contact and a matching HomeKit-compatible garage door opener enables this possibility.

Product description

Users can simply ask Siri voice control, which is also available on HomePod and Apple TV, to control shutters or to switch on or off any device that is connected to a smart plug, such as a radio or a coffeemaker. When the workday is over and it’s time to relax on the sofa, but the iPhone and HomePod are not close at hand, the Bosch Smart Home system can still be conveniently controlled directly on the user’s wrist with Apple Watch. If you are working in your home office and want to check the temperature in your child’s room, the Home app for Mac let’s you do it – instantly and without leaving your desk. In some cases, the nature of the item means that it is non-returnable, for example, due to hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product.

There are practically no limits to further applications with other products from the HomeKit ecosystem. The Bosch Smart Home App will continue to be an essential component of intelligent home control. At the same time, the use of the Bosch Smart Home App supports the accustomed quality and security of the respective services.

Familiar data protection from Bosch

I was just looking for a switch that can switch 3000W and so far the Bosch plug was one of the few I found.

bosch smart home homekit kompatibel

Sadly we have had zero updates since January and it’s very hard to find anymore info across the internet dated after 9th Jan. I have asked Bosch directly and they say they cannot comment on HomeKit support at this time. Learn how to make your home more comfortable, sustainable and safe with the intelligent technology of our Bosch Smart Home products. Bosch has begun rolling out an update to its smart home accessory line that adds support for Apple's HomeKit. Additional Bosch Smart Home devices will follow in the course of the year – as always via automatic software updates.

smarte Helfer

Apple homekit allows you to flexibly combine homekit compatible products from different manufacturers with your bosch smart home devices. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping fees for change of mind returns are not refunded. This change of mind return policy is in addition to, and does not affect your rights under the Australian Consumer Law including any rights you may have in respect of faulty items.

bosch smart home homekit kompatibel

Furthermore, the integration supports the exciting and unprecedented option of “geofencing” for all Apple users of Bosch Smart Home. Here, the Home app can automatically trigger scenes and automations whenever a predefined geographical boundary is crossed, for example, when a person leaves the public space and steps onto their own property. Christopher spends most of his time writing and dreaming about all things HomeKit and the Home app. Whether it is installing smart light switches, testing the latest door locks, or automating his households daily routines, Christopher has done it all. Bosch has announced that it has begun rolling out an update to its Smart Home line that adds support for Apple's HomeKit. The update, which will be available to all by August 13th, comes around seven months after the company originally announced that HomeKit was in the works back at CES 2020.

Das bosch smart home system bietet allerlei geräteklassen an und besitzt die perfektion mit und für apple homekit. Bosch har forsøgt i et par år at introducere sine egne smart forbindelse og . Bosch smart home fortsætter med at vokse og er nu kompatibel med apple homekit. Appliance maker and smart home brand bosch recently announced that the company is bringing homekit compatibility to many of their smart devices.

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